Harry Potter Business Magic ย 

The Harry Potter Business Magic Telling You The True Secrets Behind Making Money Online. Real Insight What Marketers Do Not Talk About. We Will Talk About To Create More Wealthy Prosperous People In The World.


harry potter business magic

Harry Potter Business Magic Online Empireย 

The Harry Potter Empire Is On Of The Biggest Franchises In The World. People From All Around The Globe Have Heard The Name or Stories.

However Harry Potter Is Simply A Passing Fad, However Is Is Arguable That The Harry Potter Brand. Shows Us Lessons That Are Crucial To The Whole Marketing Community.

Tip 1 – Story Telling

People of the modern day love to be inspired by film and images in order to engage in what you are promoting. Webinars have become very popular in modern society. Netting people large sums of money, in this new auto pilot system world.

The new world of technology, allows you to simply create a video such as an e-Course training video. Webinar, YouTube video which you do the work once for, this is the good bit you get paid. Over and over again this is what allot of marketer are doing, but not really telling many people.

As well as using allot of other networking strategies to generate these large sums of money. They are making online with marking and affiliation works. Which they never, ever mention in their sales pitch. On how they are making the money they claim you can make overnight.


harry potter business magic

Harry Potter Business Magic

Residual Income Tip 2ย 

Making The Money

When you watch these online marketing video, where you hear people saying. They made large sums of money doing online marketing there is allot they miss out. That’s why allot of ย people get discouraged and feel that they have been scammed or lied to. When they buy into these false programs offering to make them rich overnight.

The truth is you can become a millionaire online, but the lie is that it will happen overnight. For the very few maybe, but this is a rarity. Most people are just being ripped off by this notion of the get rich quick scheme.

Residual income or passive income, requires allot of preparation. Its like building up a business without the walls and physical foundation. The people of the big wide world, have never heard of you. You maybe popular in your area and surrounding areas, but that means nothing online.

You need to build an online authority and trust, do not rely on your social media friends to support you. They will arrive when you have made it, what you need is people who are genuinely interest in your work.

harry potter marketing magic

Harry Potter Business Magic

Hypnosis Branding Tip 3ย 

Why do we call it hypnosis branding, it is simply because that what is it. When you are trying to create an online presence and authority. Its all about getting you brand and logos in the public eye, as the human brain functions with images.

The more we see an image the more we become associated with it, on a subconscious level. Advertisers know this and have been using it for years. To get you the consumer to buy products, you might not of bought otherwise.

So how do you get people to notice you and build authority, so you can make money online. This is really easy, all you have to do is set up accounts on social media sites. You may already have a social media account, but if you want to make real money online start a new one.

Your old social media accounts are full of your friends, which mentioned before. Will not purchase your products and share your posts. One of the ways back-links are created are by shared posts on social media.

By starting a new account you can start to brand your business properly. As these accounts will be interlinked throughout your website and marketing platforms.

Collecting data from real targeted customer so you can see where you are making money. Taking into account which areas need improvement.


harry potter marketing magic

Harry Potter Business Magic

Hypnosis Following

The Following

Now that you have created your new social media accounts, you need to start getting noticed. The first thing you want to do is upgrade your bio in your profiles. Adding hash links and relevant contents to them, so you can be found.

Change all your profiles to public, so that you will be found under the relevant hashtags. Making it easier for people to find you when they search that topic. This will get you allot of real targeted visitors and customers, as they are searching for your niche.

Start joining and following groups that are in the same niche market as yourself. Make comments in forums, and like and share others contents. This will give you insight into what working and whats not, including access to more potential followers and customers.

Hash tag everything when possible, this is very important by hash tagging you reach more people online. Helping more people to find you.

You must create a post daily for all your social media platforms, this promotes engagement and builds authority. Stay on the message, if you are promoting health and well-being. Then post a health meme or a healthy image with a short note daily. By doing this your following will start to increase, building your authority within that area.


make money changing lives

Harry Potter Business Magic

Bringing Home The Moneyย 

Money Whilst You Sleep

Now that you have set up you social media platform and business structures. You have started to gain a following of people liking and sharing your posts. Its time to start making money, the first thing you do is join an affiliate marketing program.

These programs can be found all over the internet and they are free to join. If you come across one asking you for money its a scam. Big companies offer these programs such as Amazon, Apple. Ebay, Clickbank, JVzoo and many more.

You can get training courses online which show you how to use these platforms. To generate a solid passive income stream online. Which is always handy as allot of these programs will not come with training. As they are aimed at marketers who already have marketing practices.

Its worth noting the bigger the company the longer the tick list. Some of the big companies will require you to have your own website. Or show examples of you traffic statistics that you are generating, overall the process is easy.

Once you start using affiliation works in with your daily, social media promoting. Visiting and commenting on posts in forums and blogs. You will start to see your followers increase, more posts will start getting shared creating backlinks to your website.

Google will start to rank you and you contents will become more relevant. Opening the door to another residual income for you to add which is Google Adsense.

Hope You Found This


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