Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

Thoughts Create The Reality You SEE


Changing the way we use our mind can have tremendous effects on your life.


Thoughts Create The Reality You SEE
Thoughts are creating your reality create something good

Taking a look into your thoughts and how to apply a positive metal attitude. Can have a huge effect on your life and the outcomes you get. Through understanding how important your thoughts are, you can change your life literally overnight.

Your thoughts that you have are everything , everything that we think is shaping our lives ever second of everyday.

The mind is such a powerful tool ย it is capable of creating anything and believe it or not we can do anything the only thing that stops us is the limitations we put upon ourselves through Family , Religions ,Fear, Anxiety, lack of confidence the list goes on…


Life’s is suppose to be an adventure not a boar. Life’s not about sitting and staying in the comfort zone where its safe.

So many of us have jobs we go to everyday but we don’t really want to be there! Be Honest do you burst with joy in the morning when your alarm goes off and think i cant wait to get to work.

70% of the worlds population are caught in a trap , a trap of debt ! forcing us to leave our dreams on the table as we have bills to pay and commitments so work then becomes the only option.


thoughts run our lives learn to control them
Your thoughts run your life and create within the universe

What if i told you, you could change all this. That it was all just to do with your mind-set being the way you think as misery and misfortune we in-fact bring upon ourselves. As we have to think it before it becomes a reality, as what we think we truly become.

Our minds attract everything. So to change our lives around to become our greatest version we have to change our Paradigm.


What is a Paradigm , a paradigm is a multitude of habits a person has. They are ideas that are fixed in your subconscious mind and when all combined together this is called a paradigm.

A paradigm is like a control system fixed in your subconscious mind which controls your outcome and your productivity. We can all change our paradigms but when the opportunity arises we run in the opposite direction. Instead of embracing it,a change in paradigms can cause allot of changes to a person short term.

Such as anxiety fear of not succeeding thinking about what others will think, this causes us to go straight back to the comfort zone and put our dreams back on the table.


There are many guides and e-books available to help you advance in your life E-BOOK’s & GUIDESย 

“if a person will advance confidently in the direction of their dreams and endeavor to live the life the have imagined they will meet with success unexpected in common hours”ย 

Henry David Thoreau

So take a seat grab your self a pen and write down what you really want to do with your life and don’t ask another if they think its a good idea unless they have done it themselves and walked the path you want to walk so many of us want approval when the only approval you need is from yourself


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