Building Backlinks Marketers Online Tips


Building Backlinks Marketers

Online Tips

The Secrets Behind Building Backlinks Marketers Online Tips And Strategies. Guide To Building Backlinks For Your Online Business.ย Many Would Say That Links Are The Currency of The Internet.


Building backlinks


It has been said that links are the currency of the internet. While many marketing and traffic building methods come and go, this seems to hold true. Links make the internet go around.

So, naturally, you want to have as many incoming links to your site or blog as you possibly can. The more relevant they are, the better.

There are many kinds of links and link programs out there on the web today. You’ll hear terms like one-way links, three-way links, do follow links, no follow links, SEO backlinks, .edu links, link wheel, and so on and so forth.

Let’s simplify this and just look at seven ways to build links to your website without ripping your hair out. Don’t worry about the technical details of things, just think of a link as a link and block the rest from your mind for a moment.


Building backlinks

Building Backlinks Tip 1

Blog Commenting

This is a fast easy way to get relevant incoming links. Visit blogs that are about the same topic as your site and leave a relevant comment on a recent post. That’s it. You’ll get a link back from the comments section and hopefully you’ve found a great new blog to read regularly.


Building backlinks

Building Backlinks Tip 2

Build A Squidoo Lens

This seems to scare some folks, but it’s really easy to do. Building a Squidoo lens is mostly point and click plus drag and drop. There are no special technical skills needed and you can have a lens up in 20 minutes or less linking back to your website or blog.

Comment on a Squidoo Lens. Maybe you’re not feeling up to taking the time to build a Squidoo lens right now. Or you’re in a bit of a hurry. No problem, you can still harness the link power of Squidoo by commenting. On an already existing lens about your topic and including a link to your website as the resource. Easy peasy.


Building backlinks

Building Backlinks Tip 3

Submit An Article To Directories.

That sounds simple right? Write an informative article about your topic and submit it to article directories. Not only will you get an incoming link from the article directory. But also whenever someone republishes your article on their site. Again, super easy and non-technical.


Building backlinks

Building Backlinks Tip 4

Be A Guest Author

If articles and comments are a great way to get links. Then being a guest author at another site or blog is just pure brilliance. Being a guest expert not only gets you a nice in content link to the page of your choice. It establishes you as the go-to person on the topic. Getting you in front of an entirely new audience.


Building backlinks

Building Backlinks Tip 5

Bookmark It

While not my personal favorite method for link building, it is still a backlink. Bookmarking on social media sites like Digg, Delicious, and Facebook etc.

I don’t really recommend bookmarking your own stuff, but instead putting a few select social media icons. On your site to allow your visitors to choose which content to submit to those places. Don’t worry, they will.


Building backlinks

Building Backlinks Tip 6

Help Someone on a Forum.

Message board communities are powerful and amazing places online. If you find a forum that is based around your niche or topic, sign up and get active.

Helping someone on a forum is like handing out free cookies. People will love you for it. Be honest, be yourself, and don’t forget to link back to your website. In your signature and profile while you’re there.

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