Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet

Improve Energy Levels

Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet

How to Improve Energy Levels With the Right Diet Using These 6 Tips. Wouldn’t life just be a lot better if you had more energy? Then Follow These 6 Steps To More Energy.


Improve Energy Levels

Improve Energy Levels

Serious – low energy is probably responsible for a huge proportion of our problems! It’s low energy that makes it hard to wake up in the morning, it’s low energy that makes us not really want to exercise and it’s low energy that prevents us from performing our best or really enjoying life.

The problem is that it takes energy to start changing your lifestyle and to do things like exercise more or sleep better to improve your energy… so where do you begin? The answer is simple: you begin with your diet!
There are tons of ways that you can improve your energy levels through your diet, here are just a few!


Improve Energy Levels

Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet

Glucose Hit

One way you can add more energy using your diet is just to consume more glucose. This won’t give you long-term energy but will instead help you to improve your energy in the short term and give you a small kick when you’re struggling.

And interestingly, one of the best ways to get that hit of glucose is to ‘cheat’ and have glucose from man-made, processed sources. A glucose tablet is one option, another is to eat Wine Gums!


Improve Energy Levels

Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet


Using glucose on a regular basis is not a recommended way to keep your energy levels up though. Instead, it’s better to use MCT oil, which comes from coconuts and other natural sources.

This type of oil doesn’t get absorbed by the body in the same way as other fats and it encourages the body to produce ketons – a type of energy that has a lot of particular uses for the brain.


Improve Energy Levels

Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet

Chia Seeds

If you want an example of someone with high energy levels, then look no further than the Tarahumara tribe!

This group of indigenous people are able to run hundreds of miles in a single go and they accomplish this at least in part thanks to chia seeds – seeds that are capable of absorbing several times their weight in water!


Foods rich in iron include: Red meat, pork and poultry. Seafood. Beans. Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach. Dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots. Iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas. Peas.

Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet


Iron is used to create the red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. More iron = more oxygen where you need it – meaning in turn that you’ll have more energy.

Foods rich in iron include:
  • Red meat, pork and poultry.
  • Seafood.
  • Beans.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach.
  • Dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots.
  • Iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas.
  • Peas.


Improve Energy Levels

Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet


Another way to get more oxygen around your body when you need it is to cause vasodilation and widen the blood cells. This can be done with any food containing nitrates – including garlic.

Also other foods such as these types of meats prosciutto, capicola, salami, pancetta and lardo.

But vinpocetine is a natural ingredient that goes one step further by ensuing the vasodilation occurs mainly in the most important regions of the brain.


Improve Energy Levels
Generic raw meat

Improve Energy Levels The Right Diet


Meanwhile, anything that can increase mitochondrial energy metabolism will greatly enhance energy levels – CoQ10, PQQ and creatine all being very good examples (and all being found in organ meats).

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