Alternative Healing Native American Healing
The Native American Alternative Healing Guide Attaining Optimal Balance For The Body. Discover The Powers of Medicine Free Healing Allowing Nature To Provide.
Alternative Healing Native Americanย
Health for most individuals nowadays, is more a question of what physical issue you do not have. Rather than looking at the overall picture….
Which is are you really healthy both physically and mentally ? Also when last did you go and get a full body mot ? Most of us probably could not answer those questions. But how important is good health….
True health as in mind body and soul, is being considered as they way forward for optimal health and longevity. Making it go beyond the norm which we would consider being physical health of strength.
Essentially, it means having a balanced, natural life or what may be called an organic life. Meaning free from toxins and poisons, living off what nature has provided. Moving away from chemicals, processed foods and medicines and allow yourself to heal with natural remedies.
Alternative Healing Native Americanย
Using Herbals For Curesย
With the increase of diseases, illnesses, and ailments sometimes turning to just medical science is not enough!
Medicines over the years have been know for coming with an array of side effects. As well as being costly some of the treatments can be long and stressful. Which further adds to the already depressive conditions, cause by the illness and medications.
Here in the western world the traditions dictate the use of herbal healing. As we are given the medication of science which leads to, in almost every case side effects putting the body at disease !
Herbal Healing Spiritual Practicesย
There seams to be allot of healing practices and spiritual ceremonials. That are being practiced in current times, by healing practitioners and metaphysical groups. Whom have been acquired their knowledge and skills from traditions of the Native American tribes.
History suggests that every tribe would have one or more elders. Trained in the herbal healing and channeling arts, being able to heal the tribe. Serving as herbalists, healers, and spirit communicators.
Introducing ….
The Power of Native American Healing
Native American Alternative Healingย
What You Will Learn:
- Animal Medicine And Totems
- Power of The Sweat Lodge
- Dream-catchers
- Feathers in Healing
- Prayer Ties
- Smudging How And When To Use It
- Peace Pipes Attaining Balance
- Healing Herbs For All Illnesses
- Medicine Wheel
- Herbal Medicine Man
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