Understanding Consciousness 2017

Understanding Consciousness 2017

Under standing consciousness is one of the most important things you will ever learn in life.

What is Consciousness

The term consciousness in the spiritual world means aware. we have different levels of awareness of the consciousness mind and the sub-conscious mind. They both work completely differently.

The Conscious Mindย 

The Conscious mind is the habitual mind it has the ability to accept or reject what you tell it. However the sub-conscious mind does not have this ability meaning that it accepts what you believe to be true as fact.

Probably for as long as humans have been able to try and understand the concept of the mind, they have sought to understand the phenomenon.What is consciousness, has to be the first question one would ask ?


There is a never ending debate of the right and wrong answers regarding this particular subject. depending on where you go in the world the answer is different.

True understanding can only come with ones willingness to meditate. as through meditation we reach our higher states of consciousness. Leaving us open to infinite possibilities a place where everything becomes clearer.

Ancient Cultures have know this for centuries that consciousness is everything and used in the right way can give you anything you require.


This is when the law of attraction comes into play. As if you can learn to focus your attention on what you are thinking and give thought to the desire. Then it will manifest in the form! this is how the law work.

Since i started studying this concept my life has not stopped changing for the better. Everyday i wake up i see things i have seen before, but this time with a new set of eyes!

โ€œwhy be the extra in the movie and watch life pass you by

when you could be the star making the movie as you go alongโ€

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€“ Nicole Foley โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”

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