Quantum Physics.. Humans Cannot Die

quantum physics

Quantum Physics.. We are Infinate Beings

Who Cannotย Die

Quantum Physics has taught us that the human body is one large electrical field. We cannot die as consciousness lives on forever.

Only your physical body dies, through aging and illness.

Sometimes it is knowledge and understanding that gets us through Dark and Sad Times and leads us to achieve when all may have seamed lost :


quantum physics
We are electrical beings who cannot die

All matter ( the body ) is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. Which therefore means that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death only death of the human vessel life continues on through consciousness. Life is only a dream which we are the creators, and we are the imagination of ourselves leaving everything to unlimited possibilitiesโ€ฆโ€ฆ


When you become more aware of you physical self and start to under stand how the mind works with the body. Only then can you see that you are allot more than you have been told. ย Meditation opens you eyes too the real truth about life. It eliminates all fears and perceptions and teaches you to live within the moment.


When you break free from the matrix we call life. Un- plug or disconnect so to speak. Everything in your life changes, you are no longer afraid of death. You see things from a different perspective. Everyday become an adventure of exploration. ย Its like having a rebirth same place different view.


The best explanation i have hear to date is that of David Icke. This man has studied the human body and its secrets for decades. If you are new to all this you might want to start at the beginning! Or you will quickly get information overload. ย Watch David Icke’s what you really are video for a greater insight. VIDEOย 

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