Secret Happiness Accessing Consciousness To Obtain Anything
What’s the secret to happiness?
Secret Happiness Could it being rich? Is it having a loving family?
Maybe it’s being healthy and living in an area of natural beauty?
Is it all of those things?
The answer is that it’s none of them. And that might surprise you, but even with all those things going for you, you might be miserable.
Meanwhile, someone living in the worst of conditions – with crippling hunger, illnesses, poverty and not a family member in sight – can actually be one of the happiest people in the world.
So what’s going on?
Well, it all actually comes down to the way that you perceive your situation and the way you think about the circumstances you’re in.
Mind Over Matter
A billionaire can be depressed and especially if they don’t focus on what they’re grateful for. But if you learn to see the beauty in everything and if you can learn to calm your mind and shut out stress – then you can enjoy bliss wherever you are.
How do you accomplish this? Like anything, it comes from training. If you can learn to control your mind, whether through meditation, CBT or other methods, you’ll find that you can start to decide how you want to feel and how you want to react at any given time.
What’s more, having the ability to control your mindset like this can help you to achieve a lot of other things.
Controlling The Mind
Overcoming stress for instance means that you can stop ‘treading water’ and you can stop ‘putting out fires’. Instead, you can get your head above water and start to decide the trajectory
you want for your life and how you’re best going to use your time.
And better yet, if you can learn to control your mind, you can even start to tap into ‘flow states’. What This means that you’re so completely focused on the activity you’re engaged in. You actually manage to tune out everything else and time almost seems to slow down.
Flow states are the mental state that most athletes are thought to be in when they break world records or score winning goals. And when you put this state under the microscope and use a brain scanner, we can see that it’s actually a state very similar to meditation!
Controlling The Brain, Thoughts and Emotion’s
Meditation is the first step to becoming more in control of your mind, your emotions and the way you choose to feel, think and act. Once you learn to use meditation, you’ll create a ‘safe’ place that you can escape to any time you choose. This will allow you to become completely relaxed and to ‘detach’ yourself from the petty concerns that you might have and all those not so petty ones.
Because at the end of the day, constantly thinking about your debt or about your relationship problems isn’t going to help. It’s certainly not going to help on the bus on the way into work in the mornings. So if you can learn to tap into a calm and relaxed state, you can give your mind and body the rest and recuperation they need in order to attack the day ahead with the most energy and the most vigor.
Studies show us that meditation can help us to enter a ‘theta state’ in our brain, where many of our brainwaves will start to slow down, showing reduced activity. This is very good for us and can help to lower blood pressure, improve mood and generally help us to become calmer, happier and more focused. Instead of worrying and stressing, we are simply ‘existing
At the same time though, meditation is also useful for other reasons. That’s because it’s training. What you’re effectively doing is training your brain to learn how to focus and you’re training yourself to learn how to direct your attention the way you want to.
Training The Wild Monkey Brain
Now you’re teaching yourself to avoid the temptation to think about certain things and to decide where and what you want to send your focus. Meditational aids can be used to speed up this process.
This actually creates more neural connections in the brain and it leads you to become smarter,improving your memory, your IQ and your attention.
But at the same time, this also teaches us that we are not slaves to our emotions or to our thought processes. We can control them at will in order to ensure that we’re always in the most productive and useful mental state for the given scenario
” Here’s where I am going to introduce your second skill and the second technique C.B.T”
What is C.B.T ?
CBT is cognitive behavioural therapy which is basically a psychotherapeutic technique.
A tool set used by psychologists to help us overcome various different types of mental health problems, anxieties etc.
Ultimately, this works by teaching us to change our thought processes. Allowing us to take control of them. It shows us how to detach ourselves from unhelpful ruminations. Sound familiar?
Secret Happiness Using CBT
Decide that you’re not going to think ‘what if I fall’ anymore. Instead you’re going to think ‘I’m perfectly safe and secure’. Such an example can be applied to any other area of your life. Instead of thinking ‘there’s so much I need to be
stressed about right now’. One can instead think ‘I’m going to take this one step at a time’ or ‘I love a challenge’.
THAT the short of how you become happy.
Of course this blog article isn’t nearly big enough to tell you how to do all of this. A full in-depth on how to use CBT and meditation to calm your mind, has been written in my e-book.
In this article briefly covers, how to get started with some simple meditation techniques. Making it easier for you to start applying meditation to your life in order to regain control.
The Digital Age
There are other problems with this too though.
One of them is the digital age. Everything is constantly trying to get our attention and is constantly trying to stress us out and this leaves us ‘wired and tired’.
Why? Because stress is attention.
Stress Is Attention
When the body is stressed by something, that’s what it directs your mind towards. Something happens in your environment, your body releases cortisol and adrenaline. This causes your ‘salience network’ to kick into gear and makes you pay attention to what’s happening. To obtain secret happiness, you have to focus your attention on the positive in any situation. The are two sides to everything, not everything is good,as well as bad.
So if you’re focusing on something, or if something is grabbing your attention, that means your body is in its stress response.
And this is exactly what’s happening whenever:
- Your alarm goes off
You get a text on your mobile
The Television is on
Advertising Images and Commercials
A car honk its horn
Receiving an email or call from your boss
This then makes it very hard for us to switch off. Causing us to keep worrying and stressing about those things. We’re like a cat on hot bricks half the time! And when we get home, it’s very easy to forget all those nice things that we have to appreciate.
After all, your partner, your delicious home-cooked meal, that good book – none of them are filled with flashing lights or bright colors. The treadmill is in full swing and most of us feel like the answer is to work harder and harder and harder until we completely collapse.
Getting control of your mind is the antidote and we have never been in greater need.
Let’s start with a little meditation…
Allow me to introduce you to two types of meditation you can start using to be happier, more relaxed and less stressed. There are actually a large number of different types of meditation. If you are interested in reading my book you’ll learn a whole selection and how they vary in terms of their practice and in terms of their goals.
But for now, we’re going to focus on two that are among the easiest types. These are: transcendental meditation and mindfulness meditation.
Transcendental Meditation
The idea behind transcendental meditation is simply to focus your mind and to remove all thoughts. This is perhaps one of the most widely known and recognized forms of meditation and is a great place to start as a result.
The idea is that you’re going to make that ‘inner voice’ completely quiet.
You’re trying to lose all those nagging doubts and concerns and instead just allow your brain to enjoy a little piece of quiet. This is immediately beneficial but in the longer run, it will also train you to improve your focus. Not thinking is actually very hard and can require a lot of will power!
So how do we start practicing this form of meditation?
To start with, you want to sit somewhere quiet with your eyes closed. A lot of people will sit with their legs crossed and the idea here is to prevent you from falling asleep!
The next thing you can try doing is just focusing on something that will allow you to hush those thoughts. Simply ‘not thinking’ is very hard but conversely, if you can listen to a certain sound or focus on a certain point then you may find that it’s easier to keep your head empty.
For this reason, a lot of people will try using ‘mantras’. Mantras are phrases that you can repeat over and over again or single words. By focusing on that word, you can remove other thoughts. Another option is to focus on the sound of your breathing.
Be patient and trust that you will be able to succeed
Now what’s very important here is that you don’t be too strict on yourself. A lot of people will find themselves thinking things like:
“I haven’t thought for a long time… darn, that was a thought! Now I am thinking about thinking! Don’t think!”
This can be very frustrating and it leads many people to end up giving up. As it happens, it also happens to be completely unhelpful as far as the process goes.
Trust Yourself and Your Body
Why? Because the whole point is to create calm! And if you are stressed about failing in that method, then you’re making yourself stressed. This is the antithesis of what you’re trying to achieve and it will cause your brain to become ‘noisier’. Defeating the objective of secret happiness.
It’s very important then that you just excuse yourself if you find your mind wandering, make a note of it and return to your focus.
Don’t hope for miracles in the first few weeks or even year. In fact, don’t hope for any kind of ‘sensation’ or ‘goal’. Just practice being quiet and taking control of your thoughts!
Mindfulness Meditation
CBT Mindfulness Meditation
Another kind of meditation that you might be interested to try is ‘mindfulness’. And mindfulness meditation is particularly useful because it plays a big role when it comes to CBT and will be very useful for changing your thought patterns.
Whereas the idea with transcendental meditation was to make your thoughts completely disappear, here that is not the aim at all.
In this case, the aim is rather to invite those thoughts and allow them to pass by. The difference is that you’re not going to be focusing on those thoughts or engaging with them emotionally. Instead, you’re simply going to let your thoughts ‘appear’ and then ‘drift by’. You’re not letting the thoughts dictate to you how you should feel, instead you’re just noticing them and remaining completely detached.
Learning To Control Your Thoughts
This now means that you’re not stressed anymore because you’re not letting the thoughts affect you that way. At
the same time though, this can provide a very helpful introspection. In other words, you’re learning what kind of thoughts you have regularly and this allows you to subsequently reflect on those thoughts and to think about the impact they might be having on your mood. What’s more, is that you can then go about changing those thoughts in order to become happier, more content and less stressed permanently – and even to cure phobias.
That’s where the ‘CBT’ part of all this comes in. But for now, just watch your thoughts drift by like clouds and don’t let them effect you.
So now you know a bit of the basics when it comes to meditating, how are you going to introduce that to your routine and actually start getting some of the benefits?
One good way to start is by meditating for just 10 minutes each morning.
This is a great strategy because you’re not creating too much of a challenge for yourself and you’re not setting your expectations too high. 10 minutes is a short amount of time that almost anyone should be able to fit into their routine and this means you’re more likely to be successful in introducing it than if you start trying to meditate for an hour every day.
Finding Time For Meditation
Be easy on yourself in terms of expectations. Start by just sitting quietly and don’t worry if that’s all you ever manage – even just a bit of ‘quiet time’ is incredibly good for you.
Eventually, once you start to get good, you can try introducing ‘moving meditation’ into your daily activities. This might mean taking ten minutes of calm when you’re on the bus, or even going for a walk while experiencing the world around you fully instead of being inside your own head.
Regaining Control of Emotions
This way, you’ll have the ability to rise above your problems whenever you want to. The result is much better mental health and a fantastic ability to stay cool and calm in any situations. This is how leaders are born and it’s how you will be able to stop just ‘reacting’ to everything life throws at you and to instead become the conductor of the orchestra. It’s also how you start to actually appreciate the world around you and live ‘in the moment’.
I talk about how to do all this in much more detail in the full book. The book will be available to the general public from 4th April 2017. Visit Meditation for Freedom for Discount Codes. In my book you’ll learn how to use CBT in order to conquer all your fears and how to use other types of meditation for a range of benefits. You’ll even learn how to tap into flow states at will to unlock your ultimate performance.
If that sounds interesting to you then check it out. Otherwise, I implore you to try introducing just 10 minutes of meditation into your routine. It can make all the difference in a busy and stressful world.
HAVE A GREAT DAY – Natalie Mantle on Behalf of
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